Based on the results of these initial observations, it can be interpreted that a learning model is needed that can increase enthusiasm for learning and students’ attitudes towards mathematics. This attitude is made possible by increasing the enthusiasm for learning, attention, persistence, and self-confidence of students. In mathematics this topic…
Read MoreTag: Adversity Quotient
Mathematics learning achievement of VHS students’ viewed by AQ
Efforts to improve the quality of education have been carried out by improving the implementation of the learning process. However, the efforts that have been made have not shown satisfactory results. This can be seen from the learning achievement shown by students, especially in mathematics. Therefore, students’ mastery of mathematics…
Read MoreThe experiment of TAPPS, TSTS, and DL learning models viewed through A in mathematics learning achievement
This research is an experimental research of three learning models namely Thinking Aloud Pairs Problem Solving (TAPPS), Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS), and Discovery Learning (DL) in terms of Adversity Quotient on mathematics learning achievement. Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different learning models,…
Read MoreMental yang Tangguh Ditengah Krisis Jati Diri Pada Remaja
Krisis jati diri merupakan fenomena yang melanda banyak individu dalam era modern ini. Hal tersebut terjadi ketika seseorang mengalami kebingungan, keraguan, dan ketidakpastian mengenai identitas dan tujuan hidup mereka. Krisis tersebut erat juga kaitannya dengan Adversity Quotient (AQ) seseorang. Dalam kehidupan yang semakin kompleks dan serba cepat, tekanan dari lingkungan,…
Read MoreAdversity Quotient (AQ): Cara Mengukur dan Meningkatkan AQ
Adversity quotient atau AQ berbeda dengan IQ dan EQ. AQ adalah kemampuan seorang individu untuk berpikir, mengelola, mengatur, dan menghadapi kesulitan dalam hidup. Singkatnya, ini adalah parameter yang menggambarkan bagaimana kemampuan menghadapi masalah. Menurut Nashori (2007:47) adversity quotient (AQ) adalah kemampuan seseorang dalam menggunakan kecerdasanya untuk mengarahkan, mengubah cara berpikir…
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